
A Monday morning with heavy traffic..with long and dragged meeting. Alhamdulillah managed to arrive early, just have to wait for the vendor to come and discuss about new project and new initiative for me.. it was first kick-off. Tiring but satisfied.. Insya allah everything will be OK.

In the middle of the discussion.. one of my “undecided” non-muslim friend said.. ” the maintain type KPI, is like you maintaining to perform 5 times prayers in a day..” and i see that the vendor acknowledged what is maintain type KPI..

Ya Allah, i just wish that someday.. or tomorrow your hidayah for my undecided friend.. will never stop.. i pray that she could join us.. and claimed her syahadah.. and i wish i could always have the opportunities to have good chat with her again and again..

Allah (SWT) says here: “Verily, you guide not whom you like, but Allah guides whom He wills. And He knows best those who are guided.”(Al-Qasas)

A bright Evening in mid April, 2010

From My office, what a sunny and bright evening.. nice

On Tuesday, i went to the lake and managed to made 3 rounds of running and walking.. huhuhu actually.. more on brisk walking than running.. The lake located exactly opposite my office building… Today, i have last class with Dr Wan, tomorrow is another day where i need stay at the office until 730 to do the stress test on the problematic server.. hahaha harap2.. ok laa otherwise it would be another long journey to end the project.. Those yang ada masa lapang. huhuhu let’s enjoy this evening.. cuaca cantik.. gtg

Penang Trip 05 – 07 Feb 2010

We begin this writing with Bismillah. and alfatihah

heheh mcm cara aku start class pulakk.. Last weekend was kind of.. a lil bit memorable.. previously on first and second  session with central enigneers.. aku hanya train half session,  hmm tapi last week aku mengajar for fullday session sampai suara aku hilang la kan…aku pun tetiba rasa macam bleh je jadik lecturer (huhuh.. berangan tak sudah ). dari introduction, to my slides and to my lab module seesion and hands on session… huhu  itu la yang aku buat.. and last week… i feel so glad.. and of course alhamdulillah .. training with all engineers from northern region are going well.. and thank god dorang faham.. and best still.. i have this.. experienced on field sebelum ini  and able to make them clear on certain issues and at the same time.. every time bila jumpa or talked session with them.. sure ada apa2 yang orang suka.. luahkan.. problems and etc.. nak tak nak kena dengar.. and i think they are comfortable with me.

preserving the heritage cantik kan.. donno where is this.. very near to Komtar.. tgk tuh kereta.. jalan dua lane jadik 4.. aku pun tak tau nak pi mana.. dok la tgh2 hahaha

Nonetheless, apa2 highlighted.. we take note.. and improvised.. paling tidak we discuss with my bosses.. balik ke office on monday, aku shared info apa yang patut..Overall.. all engineers from northern region nih tak main2.. mcm engineers from central.. cara bertanya pun bebaik.. lega makcik..there will be 2nd batch training in penang soon.

Training end at 5:05.. nasib baik office and hotel seberang jalan sahaja. I like the Penang office.. hmm tapi tak laratnya jalan kat penang awat laa kecik sangat.. kereta punyer laa banyak. habis training, terus ajak mak and abah keluar jalan2 sekitar Penang island.. lucky i have this makcik and her young husband.. very loving couple.. dorang la bawak jalan sana sini.. singgah kat jalan apa ntah.. ala2 petaling street maybe.. tak ingat.. beli jeruk.. hmm aku tak makan seketui pun.. anyway aku bukan pemakan jeruk pun.. tapi mengenangkan kawan2 yang suka sangat makan.. and few of them ibu mengandung. so tak sampai hati balik ke subang dengan tangan kosong.. 🙂

Makcik aku tuh bawak pi jalan2 ke persiaran gurney tak la jauh sangat.. at the end of my 3 days in Penang baru la aku familiar skit jalan kat penang nih.. masa hari nak balik.. mulut rasa nak bertanya orang arah mana aku nak jalan keluar ke Penang bridge.. tapi instinct aku kata.. aku tahu jalan nyer.. as usual sign board helps me alot.. huhuh sib baik laa tak ke sesat ke mana..  tapi paling sakit hati.. orang penang bawak kereta..  sangat laa”kurang ajaq” << ini bukan aku yang cakap.. officemate aku kat penang yang bagitau.. suka hati la nak overtake orang.. pastu masuk dok mencelah.. eee.. nasib baik laa aku nih.. cool ajer bawak kete.. lagi satu trend orang penang bawak kete.. suka nar bunyikan honk.. allah aku gelak je bila time dorang ngamuk antara bikers and drivers.. dok angkat2 tangan marah.. tapi tak lah sampai bertumbuk kat luar.. haha kalau kat KL nih.. sign language yang buruk2 yang keluar… kat KL aku rasa lebih aggressive.. and pemandu Penang tak reti nak beza hijau dengan merah.. traffic lights dah merah lagi mau jalan.. tak pasal2 kereta on the other side dok honk.. bukan satu kereta.. punya laa banyak kereta yang suka main honk.. pelik dan kelakar..

Apa2 pun.. there will be next trip to Penang.. tapi kali nih bos aku nak ikut sekali.. hmm so kena naik flight laa gamaknya.. nak carik peluang jalan-jalan kat Penang lagi.. tapi entah laa dapat atau tidak.. Next week, patut nyer ke Penang.. hmm ada scheduled ngna project lain pulak.. thought plan to KT, pun sama.. so next training.. date tak tahu lagi.. kena habiskan dulu scheduled PM dengan company2 yang dah di janjikan..

Second Friday before Ramadan… 14/08/09

It’s Friday… rasa free and easy pulak.. Maybe sebab jumaat kot.. Pagi-pagi drive ke UMMC, Lucky wasn’t so jam. pagi nih, mak puasa “yang yok”.. nak kena ambik darah and next week will be back again to meet the doctor.. This is routine utk mak. and a routine for me to bring her when there is an appoinment..

Tengah tunggu giliran, rahimah called. Asking about computer problem and request me to help her. Bos aku memang rajin tanya aku itu ini.. and it’s ok for me.. at least i can test, how good i am at problem analysis and suggest what is the best practice or solution.. Maklum laa dah lama tak buat benda2 support-support nih..

On the way balik, singgah breakfast ngan mak, habis breakfast, aku drop mak depan rumah terus drove ke office. Sampai office aku teringat ada meeting with my boss petang nih..

Sampai depan office, alamakk apsal org ramai berkumpul kat luar nih..? Adoii fire drill.. aku lupa.. Adoi.. dari depan pagar, aku ambik kereta aku balik.. since dah tak dibenarkan masuk.. so aku drive ke kedai buah favourite aku. Jam dah 940. Lepas beli buah, aku terus ke taman tasik berdekatan and.. dok lepak dalam kereta sambil makan buah and tengok ikan berenang dan melompat 🙂 sampai la jam 1020. Boss aku sms that the fire drill activity dah habis.. Aku replied and terus aku drive ke office.

Lunch hour aku tak keluar, and as usual on Friday (Hari Soya Aku), aku pesan kat office mate aku yang pi ke masjid, air kacang soya panas.
Sharp 2 O’clock aku masuk bilik rahimah with my all-set notes (banyak benda nak kena update).. macam-macam discussnya, until 4. hmm Banyak yang aku kena buat.. Pernah sekali mak bertanya,

Mak: “kalau meeting tuh, tak der buat keje laa?”
Aku: Tak der keje? mak biasanya lepas meeting lagi banyak kojo Dennn.. (Adoi)

So sapa yang tak nak or malas keje.. pi dok umah, then you will get nothing in return, duit tak dapat, pahala kerja pun tak dpt..

Pikir-pikir kan…

Empty Planning – Planning Empty.. Which one?

i just don’t want to stop, i am not stopping but am looking and observing.. unable or probably not very good at explaining things or probably its best to keep it here… Hopes that am not losing it.Wishing and praying.. I dont to lose it.. still want to keep it.  Still wanna keep it on here..Mind and Heart…

It’s been an almost empty sem break for me. I mean my blog entry.. Quite and.. I may not losing any idea to write here, it’s just that i have so many things in here, i have two to ten stories in my draft.. hmm not knowing.. when i can publish these… Too many constraint… Unable to share the voice that i’ve recorded on the previous meeting with Brother Lim Jooi Soon… and un able to embede a good link in this wordpress. hmmm kena pegi ke authorised web.. AKA popular web, then only i can paste the link.. hmm just forget about it.Rasa malas nak carik..

A kind of empty sem break because i dont go anywhere to release my stress… tried to plan a short vacation with family.. hmm nampak gaya it does not working.. Hidayah just discharged of her dwi-weeks sickness and admitted to the hospital.. and of cause, its really toughed week for me and her mother.. for more than 3 days i overnight @hospital.. kesian hidayah. Now she is catching up with her weight.. kind of lose some and just gain about few grams i think.. all because of Rota virus. Hidayah is definitely a clever girl.. she knows how to escape herself from taking medicine… “Nak tidor” she told me… and she kind of alergi to all uniforms ladies.. The nurses precisely. So every one hour you will here her little cries due to the visit by the nurses.. bukan apa just untuk di ambik suhu badan shj pun…

Got to use myskills to seduce her to eat. hmm aku la jadik “Maria tunku sabri” of my own version.. And it works. 😀

And this morning.. i was again in the hospital.. accompany kak ila, hidayah and luqman. For the third months injection mender aku tak tahu… tapi Luqman kena rescheduled to another week, sebab luqman baru first day dapat diarrhea.

Late in the afternoon, we planned to go out for a groceries shopping tapi terbantut, sebab family pak sedara and mak sedara datang berkunjung.. Magrib rumah jadik kosong sekejap, since mak and my sis when to makcik’s house nearby. tempah baju raya mungkin.. I got to rest abit and doing my things… Around 11pm family kakak aku balik and just 4 of us now.. mak, abah and fatihah already asleep…. tinggal aku laa depan notebook nih, with tv on and am typing in this empty page… and i would like to post it empty…

Need to do some reading and thinking.. preparation for Tuesday meeting.. hmm presenting my ideas and perhaps it may contribute a bit to the small organization… perhaps it may change the assumption that people always thought about call centre… hmm sayang my office notebook still on repair and am not able to acces the vpn… adoi rugi rugi..

Rainy Friday

Early Friday morning, aku received one sms from Rahimah. She met with an accident. Keretanya terbalik. At that time, i was about to get ready to the office. Kesiannya.. tried to call her. tak dapat. Meeting chaired by Asri.. lucky asri ada. di samping dok explained about the termination of current project, a bit of an overview about new project yang mahal itu untuk all engineers.

Habis meeting aku siap kan slide untuk another meeting yang already scheduled untuk petang, but aku terpaksa mintak postpone due to rahimah nyer accident, and i wont be available to replace her. Once aku dah siap slide, about 1300 aku and inaz, drove ke Cheras. Site visit. Inaz dah buat appointment dengan one of her x-colleague, dekat HUKM. hmm kitaorang nak buat observation skit, nak list down user requirement untuk new system and etc etc. Lama gak aku terperuk dekat lab yang agak kurang teratur.. (serabut mata aku… tak selasa? hmm yeah.. tapi tak bleh la tunjuk sangat) hmm maklum la vendor ajer.. tempat tengah renovate. harap-harap lepas nih dorang selesa laa.. Jam 1530, baru la aku, inaz and nurul turun makan. Dekat cafe yang ala2 open air, dengan hujan lebat yang amat. Kesian pekerja2 cafe tuh, terpaksa laa menyapu air hujan yang membuak dari parit berdekatan..

Disebabkan hujan lebat, aku suggest kat Nurul untuk tunjukkan aku library kat situ. Katanya ada banyak buku cerita best.. aku yang memang dah jatuh hati ngna library sejak mula belajar balik nih.. tak mo lepaskan peluang.. dan one thing is.. book club kat dept aku yang kecik itu sedang giat aktivitinya. Besarnya academic library nih.. berangan.. kalau aku yang belajar kat sini.. sure aku bleh jadik scorer..(hahaha) because banyaknya sangat bahan ilmu di dalam nyer. This is the library mentioned by my lecturer yang dapat sponsorhip for RM200k yearly by the Lim Goh Tong foundation.. Wahh.. bagusnya kalau jadik orang kaya kan..  bleh sumbang pada pembangunan ilmu.. bagus.  Nak pulak if di sumbangkan untuk perkara2 baik macam nih.. wish that lebih ramai lagi orang-orang kaya dalam Malaysia nih.. untuk buat lebih kebajikan. Satu yang kita bagi.. sepuluh in return. Insya allah 🙂

Tepat jam 1700 aku and inaz bergerak dari HUKM.. hujan dah reda.. tapi semakin aku jauh memandu semakin besar titik hujan. Aku hantar Inaz ke rumahnya dekat Pantai Hill Park. Terus drove ke Puncak Perdana.. ada class cataloguing hari nih. Aku sampai dekat campus jam 1830. terus solat asar and masuk class. Aku habis class sharp at 2200. Driving balik rumah dengan lega.. it’s Friday dude.. esok sampai Isnin cuti. best nyer. Alhamdulillah, Amin.

CEO Diamond Club, again..? ;-)

This isn’t a carat club invitation ye.. This is my company punyer internal invitation.. Invitation were sent to selected people who has performed successfully and splendidly .. (cehh.. ayat) Well, alhamdulillah me is one of the selected people, nominated by my Bos.. Rahimah.. Tq again.

So, tonite is a so called a night of appreciation to those employees yang dah kerja berat, working hard for the projects, executing huge and big project and etc etc.

Door Gift (xclusive for CEO Diamond Club members ONLY)
Door Gift (xclusive for CEO Diamond Club members ONLY)

Personally, this is my second invitations. Alhamdulillah again. (Jgn lupa tuhan ekin.. ) Smile all the way. Location, somewhere in Mont Kiara.. Mana yek.. entah aku ikut map ajer.. tak biasa kawasan2 area sini..

To my other friends, Alfred, Azwar, Bahar, Faznee, Jijah, Gregor, Khairul Sabri, Mudon, Nazim, San, Kak Nadia, Zila, Zarina, Rad, Kak Ros, Sahir (ko pun dapat.. kuangx3)(jht aku), Achu, Inaz, Baya, Syukor, Wan, Yasmin and Zainal…. Congrats… hehe .. and not forgotten.. My Boss, Rahimah and My Sifu, Asri. Tqsm and congrats.

Monday without Blues.. :)

Monday again.. bermalasan untuk bangun.. sampai kak ila masuk bilik aku tolong kejutkan.. (ngada2). Hehe ambik peluang tidur lebih lama…gara-gara malam tadi eku membaca novel sampai tak hengat.. Novel best.. memang susah nak resist. hmm tak lain, tak bukan buku john grisham.. cita-cita nak jadik lawyer.. hmm tapi.. entahlah.. ada masa nanti aku nak ambik second degree.. Hahaha.. cita-cita yang tak pernah padam.. sekarang aku antara lawyer buruk paling active dalam class Dr Harcharan… hahaha Dr nih tak pernah nak mengalahh.. aku geramm.. 😀 sure ada something yang dia replied balik kat aku..Eee..eee geramm..  Sue selalu warned aku jangan layan sangat cakap2 Dr tuh.. but am  interested.. ada je dalam kepala aku nak reply. (whateverrrr ekin)

Gara2 bangun lewat yang di sengajakan.. haha masuk office pun lambat.. almost 9 aku sampai office.. jalan melenggang masuk office dengan selipar hitam. Kasut aku tinggalkan kat office.. dah berapa hari aku macam nih.. selamba

Hari nih kul 1130 kat office aku ada kick off meeting. hmm jadi menarik pulak info yg MD aku sampaikan.. Hmm entah apa mimpi pi type notes dalam hp aku.. (macam bagus.. ) Well.. what’s the benefit of these info to me?.. aku bukan menilik project yang banyak2 tuh.. (well am just collecting infos).. sesuka aku. Habis meeting lunch tadi best.. buffet style complete from rice to laksa Johor yang dah lama aku tak mabuk with. fruits and pastries. Hmm nyummy. (Lama nyer tak pekena laksa utara yang paling sedap kat BSN-KLCC dulu.. dengar kata dah pindah ke tempat lain.. ) hmm nyum nyum.. so miss the asam keping..

Sharp 5pm aku keluar dari office. Class aku kul 6pm hari nih.. sampai kat Uitm, aku terus masuk class 7, ada discussion and we are working in group. Waktu magrib aku and sue ambik peluang makan dekat Kandang.. hmm since dua2 dapat status ABC, kami lepak kat situ sampai kul 8pm. Tepat kul 8pm.. aku ngan Sue carik class. tersalah location plakk.. dah sampai dekat dengan class Dr Harcharan dah siap2 tunggu depan class… ala2 lagak seorang pengetua sekolah.. ahaks.. aku hanya senyum and tunduk masuk dalam class hahaha..

Habis class aku memandu balik.. aku teringat saat2 aku hampir melanggar seekor kambing.. gerun pulak drive malam2 nih.. dengan suasana yang agak gelap kat area puncak perdana.. aku slow kan skit kereta.. Kereta Sue dah pecut laju.. Jalan kat sini berbukit-bukit and kenderaan memang laju kat sini.. Aku sampai rumah dalam jam 1040pm.. letak bag terus masuk bilik air mandi and bersihkan badan.. Hv a cup of coffee and sup sayur cauliflower and broccoli yang best.. And here i am.. dok menaip kat sini.. sambil melayan lagu sempurna by Andra.. hmm lagi best dari pompuan tuh nyanyi.. music lebih catchy dengan petikan gitar… hmm best.. Hanyut aku..