Iftar@My office

Last thursday was another iftar that i’ve attended. Dekat office je pun. I just got lucky can excused from my evening class and attended this small event. Thanks Dr Wan.. kita jumpa lepas raya. πŸ™‚

Iftar@Mesiniaga, begins with ceramah in our Audi by Ustaz Shahrom..topic discussed was no other than the last 10 days in Ramadan. Followed by buka puasa, first session, solat magrib, the buka puasa and solatIsyak and Terawikh @ the audi foyer..

this whole ramadan, we have kuliah zohor everyday and we’ve invited few ustaz.. among our favourite.. are brother Lim Jooi Soon, Ustaz Rosli from USIM, Ustaz Abdullah, Ustaz Ghazali ((Late) Ustaz Asri’s brother) and ada lagi nama yang aku tak ingat..i am so grateful that, in my office we have this kind of program… u know although we are in corporate line.. and private, alhamdulillah muslim employees here are very committed in doing this charity.. all these are volunteers.. Thanks to Kiam Team. (Kelab Islah dan Amal Mesiniaga)

During the makan2 we have this movie title The messenger.. tapi tak sempat nak tengok habis pun.. hmm plan nak tengok hari nih thru YOUTUBE >click here for the full movie version.. Filem lama.. tapi best dapat tgk movie macam nih.. bukan hari2 dapat tgk.. channel arabic kat astro tuh pulak.. tak dak subtitle.. tak reti la aku nak tgk..

iftar gathering @ level 12, Menara Office ku.

Last Friday was not my very happy day. Seawal subuh dapat berita pemergian paklong. Soon as my mum told me.. aku menekup muka.. menahan tangis.. yang akhirnya terlerai jugak… I really miss the moment where we were gathered at the table and chitchatted with paklong and family. 😦

Petang tuh bos aku suh aku take over her place in a concall with orang penang. Due to she has an urgent meeting in USJ office.And I was all alone during the concall.. Fuh soalan orang penang as usual, memang payah nak jawap.. well bab goreng-mengoreng and membina ayat so that people convince with my answer, it is part of my job now.. I am not saying that we have to lie or give fake facts or reason.. but actually I am trying my best to convince the other party that we can do this and that.. and itu bukan janji kosong.. Aku jenis yang tak suka tabur janji kosong.. so usually I will told them apa yang aku rasa, we are capable of, in other word, relevant and realistic.. hmm barulah ada ITIL.. do I act like an ITIL certified person?.. hehehe.. i am certified.. πŸ˜‰

Thanks for helping Ivy.. πŸ™‚

Originally the iftar gathering was not my idea.. earliest, we plan to have a dinner at hotel or any restaurant near subang jaya, but it seems that.. tak semua kawan-kawan sini yang willing to spend more on food. (Unlike me) and ramai pulak yang baru bekerja… so I decided to think on the most cheapest or perhaps yang paling mudah. Hehe.. I’ve sent email to all, suggested that, we will do a pot luck style.. instead of cooking it.. we buy it from Ramadan Bazaar yang glamour kat SS18, subang jaya. Kawan2 lain agreed.. (hehe seronok). I’ve collected sorang RM10, bos aku pun orang pertama bagi duit for the buka puasa, even though she’s not joining the Iftar, due to her eldest son yang baru nak belajar berpuasa.. Dua, tiga hari aku survey and asked my colleagues nak makan apa.. hmm on that day, kak ila kebetulan balik awal, 1400, so she offered a hand of helps.. to buy part of the juadah berbuka yg kwn2 kirim..(hmm thank you bebeh.. I luv u) kak ila bought ayam percik, hot soya drink, kuih tepung pelita, murtabak and macam2 lagi.. Aku during lunch hour, keluar beli cut fruits kat kedai buah favorite aku.. dekat SS15. buah-buahan kat sini fresh and at reasonable price. Jam 1630 aku turun ke dept pantry tengok perkakas apa lagi yang tak cukup..pingang, mangkuk, hot drink semua aku checked and ordered dengan makcik pantry.. Baik makcik pantry tuh.

Approximately 1740, kak ila sampai dekat lobby office aku. Aku suh kawan-kawan aku bawak food naik atas, meanwhile aku, izzati and achu went to the Ramadan bazaar at SS18. Fuuh banyaknya makanan.. kelmarin aku dah surveyed.. hari nih aku datang. Kami tak beli banyak sebab kak ila dah tolong belikan yang lain2. We just bought Satay,

muka2 girang lepas berbuka πŸ™‚

sambal tumis petai (mummy-to-be-izzati nak yang nih), sambal belacan.. (hmm nyum nyumm. Sedap), achu nak chicken wings and air asam boi. Kami tak membeli banyak, because ada gak kengkawan yang sempat buat itu ini, ada spagetti Bolognese, ada kek batik, chocolate cake, agar2, cream caramel, croissant tuna with cheese and entah apa lagi aku tak ingat. Drinks we have, Nescafe, hot tea, soya bean, asam boi and air suam. Bila aku drive balik ke office, dekat tingkat 12, semua makanan dah terhidang.. waahh best nyer. Baik sungguh kawan-kawa

By 1915 kami berbuka.. there are just 12 of us, yang non muslim, tak semua dapat joint.. just Ivy yang tunjuk muka.. Thanks Ivy for joining us.. Yang lain tak dapat joint. Sayang ye. Food banyak sangat.. About 830, kami makan, makanan masih banyak.. kami pakat2 tapau dalam plastic and clear the venue kasi cantik balik.. by 930 aku sampai rumah.. best gak.. buat gathering macam nih.. thanks to all my friends.. terima kasih kerana membantu and menghadirkan diri..

Lunch actually

For the very first time, i had my lunch in my office building. Delicious.. Muahhh.. Especially the Asam pedas. Lama betul tak makan asam pedas.. Lunch dekat level 12, the highest floor near the swimming pool, free air with heavy rains.. Best gak.. dengar bunyi hujan.. Live.

Esok entah apa menu makcik tu. Anyway, makcik tuh macam muka kak yats, my HR manager je.. Probably yes or no.. apa2 pun lauk pauh dia memang sedap.. Superb. πŸ˜€

Friday, Ramadan 2, 1428H

Friday was the second day of Ramadan. I woke up @5.15am. I’m having a couple of toast and plain milo. Solat and get ready for the last day of a week. Seronok… It’s Friday!!..

Planning for another project that is so demanding for next week. Project deployment for 36 sites nationwide. Aku plan seadanya. According to given schedule. released.. Tapi petang tuh pulak aku kena attend meeting @1800 sampai 1915. Nampaknya terpaksa la aku berbuka dekat office. Hmm Pizza Domino will be the menu. I’m not in a mood to eat pizza. 1700 aku keluar, call rumah and informed mak yang aku balik lewat and probably berbuka dekat office. Ingatkan nak keluar carik food dekat luar, akhirnya aku hanya berdiri dekat pintu kereta and naik balik ke atas office. Malas. mak aku kata, no need to buy.. There will be pizza.. so just eat it.. no need to buy another. I went up.. tengok sekejap kerja yang ada.. jam 1800 aku turun ke meeting room G08. Ramai yang ada.. cuma ada 3 kwn2 aku yang masuk lambat. GM pun ada skali..

It’s a last briefing for engineers before the first call dispatch from company gah dekat Penang. Banyak pulak pantang larang and itu ini yang kena buat for this project. Next week, Thursday, aku and bosses aku akan ke Penang. Boss Nuar, Asri (my team leader), Rahimah (my Manager), inaz and myself. There will be a presentation yang terakhir from our company to company gah dekat Penang. Agenda of the meeting pun dorang dah email.. Aku dengar katanya kitaorg akan jumpa CEO company nih..

Meeting habis nak dekat waktu berbuka.. So kami berbuka ramai-ramai dengan pizza Domino. Lepas berbuka aku solat dekat surau and went back home. AKu sampai rumah jam 2030. Rumah dah gelap and kosong, mak adik and abah aku semua dah kesurau.

Aku yang sampai ke rumah, dah rasa layu.. mata rasa mengantuk. Penat nih, penat yang tak boleh tidor… aku tunggu family aku balik dari terawikh. Akhirnya lewat jugak aku tidur…tengah malam. Sebelum tidur aku bersihkan diri, solat isyak and terawikh seorang diri dalam bilik aku. so exhausted.. Second day of puasa dah kena berbuka dekat office. Hmm this hari raya.. probably aku tak cuti lama.. because inaz dah ambik cuti after raya.. Rahimah kata kena bergilir. Aku tak kisah pun. raya tiga hari pun dah cukup.. cuma mak aku la.. Probably aku akan ambik cuti on Friday. As usual, aku suka balik pagi2, bila orang semua bersahur dekat rumah, aku akan bersahur tengah jalan. Probably keluar rumah jam 4am. jalan pun tak jamm. Mungkin.