Welcome 2022 *:), I am back here

Time changed, people changed. It has been years , since I left this page empty, static, like a statue. Sunyi dan Sepi, no updates. I realized some of my blogger-friends are no longer active, I can’t even find the blog anymore.

It is the beginning of 2022, most of people has turned to vlog, podcast, youtube, actively posting in social media like facebook, instagram, twitter and banyak lagi. I think i am comfortable here, not so much open… (i am a close book i suppose *:) – naa not really ). Kalau vlogging.. i can’t imagine myself talking to a phone in Avi or MP4 or whatever format now… Dekat sini, i can rumbling myself, without voice and video… I feel free… i feel happy ( because am smiling to myself while typing this) – macam hidup ni tak de masalah bila menaip gini.. Maybe because cita-cita nak jadi penulis buku… hmm tapi not very good in linguistic and language. i always encourage people around me to write books.. write, because i will be the reader, enjoying myself reading, going thru words or probably poetry perhaps… (although am not so into literature.. tapi sekali sekala.. why not)

Ideas are pouring out right now, tapi kita slow down dulu, write a list dulu. I started writing.. skit skit, I thought through some materials that really close to me, what else, makanan la.. Some of the recipes i combined and alter.. example below

Savory Pancake with Red Lentils Dhal

Selalunya orang makan pancake with honey or something sweets… ini i adjust and i change to a very healthy version, senang dan recipe dia jimat…

Chickpeas Pancake

  • Chickpeas flour
  • Atta flour (tepung capati)
  • Baking soda (optional, because the 1st time i made this, i skip this and it turn out better)
  • Salt to taste

Measurement? i dont measure.. *:) try ratio between chickpeas flour and atta flour is 1:1

Red Lentils Dhal

  1. Red lentils – Wash thoroughly, add water upto1 inch above the lentils
  2. Salt and turmeric – 1 tsp each
  3. Sauté – Cumin seeds, then add 4 fat glove of Garlics, 3-4 Cili padi, and curry leaves (optional)
  4. Add the sauté items into the pot once the red lentils cook well and soup is thicken
  5. Taste the salt, add if needed

This is the second picture i took, tengah susun pancake ni tadi, abang aku dah cubit masuk mulut… hmm tak sempat nak tuang gravy on top.. tak pa laa.. Abang and his family sampai sebelum waktu asar tadi. Aku tak perasan, pintu bilik di tutup, dengan webinar yang agak kuat, then my boss call to check on something in my email, aku mute the webinar, only then aku dengar suara abang aku dengan kakak ipar sembang dekat hall. Abang aku datang nak repair water purifier dekat rumah ni, pump dia problem plak, hari tu problem lain… thought aku nak call orang repair.. mak kata panggil abang ko je.. sebab abang aku repair sniri je water purifier dia.. ok i said.. follow aje la… Since family abang aku ada sini, habis kerja aku keluar dari bilik (Yes i am still working from home – macam like “forever” dah lama aku tak jumpa orang office) terus ke dapur to fix something to eat.. takkan orang datang umah tak bagi makan kan… so around 6pm something aku buat la apa2 yang aku bleh makan juga (i’m on 7 days of my no sugar diet), otherwise memang aku tak masak sbb tengahari tadi aku dah buatkan ayam kicap untuk Luqman & Hidayah (since kak eila pun positive Covid19 – currently quarantine dekat hotel tempat kerja dia) and Ari, anak abang aku yang kebetulan ambik MUET dekat area sini.

Lepas magrib, routine biasa aku dengan anak sedara aku dekat puncak alam ada sessi mengaji online.. sejak PKP aku la jadik ustazah (konon) boleh la setakat nak ngajar anak sedara sniri… share skit ilmu untuk saham kubur aku.. insya allah. Mula2 memang kena tarbiah.. budak2 sekarang mengaji tak macam aku dulu belajar mengaji… dorang nak cepat and ringkas jee..Aku dapat peluang belajar dengan tiga orang ustaz (Ustaz Yahya (very old now – hope that he is doing fine), Ustaz Ibrahim (hard core – sbb dia belajar dekat Masjid Negara) and Ustaz Zubaili qari from Aceh (memang strict giler bacaan dia). Ustaz aku dulu ngajor.. silap skit.. kena ulang dari awal ayat…. tapi anak sedara aku justify plak.. ulang yang salah jee.. memang tak ngam la dengan aku.. adoi.. senang je korang kan… mula la auntie bukak cerita dulu-dulu.. (hahaha). “better ulang dari awal ayat, ko dapat pahala baca quran ni” .. bebel aku. lama2 dorang follow gak.. memang tak boleh bagi discount dorang ni, naik lemak.

Lepas isyak Abang dan anak2 dia bergerak balik ke serendah.. aku duduk sini dalam bilik ngadap desktop, ingat nak sambung kerja sangkut kat sini plak.. *:)

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